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17 20 15
Thu 18 14
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Sun 15 12
Mon 10 9




Ria Formosa Natural Park is one of the main riches of the Algarve, having been elected one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Portugal. An area of 18,000 hectares that extend over 60km along the entire coast of Eastern Algarve, from the Ancão peninsula to Cacela Velha. With a huge variety of environments from marshes, salt pans, lagoons, barrier islands, etc., Ria Formosa is a unique lagoon system of recognized international value and a privileged habitat for a great diversity of flora and fauna. Ria Formosa is also a true paradise for bird watching lovers. The Algarve is the region of Mainland Portugal with the highest record of rare birds from Africa, North America and Northern Europe and every year receives thousands of birds such as the caman, the fig-porcupine, the reef heron or the queen's falcon. In addition to all the natural beauty, Ria Formosa Natural Park is also an authentic natural nursery. Here we can grow clams, bivalves or oysters, ingredients that are reflected in local gastronomy and that delight all Algarve' visitors.