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Falesia's Beach, in Albufeira, Algarve, it was awarded as the sixth best beach in the world by Travellers Choice Awards

Designer Outlet Algarve


The Travelers Choice Awards, TripAdvisor's ranking, has rated Praia da Falésia as the 6th best beach in the world. Located in Olhos de Água, in the municipality of Albufeira, this idyllic spot is just 20 minutes from Designer Outlet Algarve, the open-air outlet with a portfolio of brands such as Boss, Calvin Klein, Bimba Y Lola, Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger. 

The ranking list is based on the platform's user reviews over the past twelve months. The platform emphasises that the panoramic view of Praia da Falésia is an endless natural setting - the beautiful cliffs of fine sand, the surrounding pine trees and the blue-green ocean are a unique combo that is hard to forget.   

The truth is that the Algarve is like an all-inclusive: not only does it have paradisiacal beaches like Praia da Falésia, it also has unique gastronomy, accommodation options for all tastes, 300 days of sunshine a year, festivals, entertainment and culture and, of course, shopping centres like Designer Outlet Algarve where retail therapy is real (and recommended!). 

So get packing for your next Algarve holiday - we've got you covered! Find Summer Essentials, with discounts between 30% - 70%, to wear while creating unforgettable memories in the south of Portugal. Choose your favourite and visit us!