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Designer Outlet Algarve

Summer Night Outfits : The best looks for a summer night out

Summer in the Algarve is synonymous with balmy evenings, outdoor parties and relaxed gatherings with family and friends.

At Designer Outlet Algarve you'll find a range of suggestions so that you're always comfortable and on trend. An evening out is the perfect occasion to retrieve that glam piece from the closet and dive into a universe of possibilities with sparkles, color and sophistication.

We've created a guide with the best suggestions for making the most of your summer evenings and getting your evening look just right with versatile and unique pieces.

Top and skirt sets

Outfits are part of everyone's closet because they are versatile, practical and elegant. They can be worn for more informal dinners, but also combined with statement accessories they can make a look more dramatic and perfect for a bold summer evening. Light, flowing fabrics are a must-have and colors and brightness are also a must, after all, it's summer. Opt for medium-heeled sandals to add comfort and elegance.


Light and loose dresses

Dresses are also a simple but versatile garment. Short, midi or long, go for loose models and light, flowing fabrics such as linen or cotton. Stripes are a super trend, but vibrant colors are a summer classic that flatter tanned skin. Combine your look with simple, delicate accessories and, for a more elegant and timeless touch, add a straw purse.



A practical choice, but one that doesn't have to make your look uninteresting. The jumpsuit gives you a modern look and is certainly the right choice for those looking for comfort. You can opt for sandals with a thin, delicate heel and finish off your look with a colorful or textured clutch.


Shorts and shirt

For a relaxed yet elegant and sophisticated look, go for this suggestion. Linen is a timeless and elegant trend. It's a noble, fresh and at the same time relaxed fabric that with a bold cut can result in a look that won't go unnoticed. Opt for high-waisted, medium-length shorts and a shirt with distinctive details such as flared sleeves or fabric buttons. Roman-style sandals are the perfect match for this type of look, as are thin bracelets and simple rings with textured details.



In summer, opt for natural fabrics such as linen and cotton, which in themselves will make your look more elegant due to the nobility of the materials and also cooler and more comfortable. Bet on light and delicate accessories for simpler, more elegant looks and bolder accessories if you want to add drama to your look. Choose comfortable shoes, as you may end up dancing all night. Enjoy all the unforgettable moments of your holiday with style, elegance and glamour.