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Designer Outlet Algarve

Trends for Back to School 2023

Back to School (and Work): discover the trends that will mark the new season in 2023
Whether you're preparing the family for a return to school or the office after the summer holidays, Designer Outlet Algarve is where you'll find the answers (and trends) that will mark the new season in 2023. Where fashion meets lifestyle.

1: Casual chic with a sustainable touch
With ecological fabrics and timeless designs, sustainable fashion is gaining momentum on and off the catwalk. For adults, the trends suggest looks made from natural fibres such as organic cotton or 100% linen where pastel colours stand out on skin still touched by the summer sun; for children, the trend says the opposite - come on electric colours, green, blue, pink, yellow that echo joy throughout the school beds. Find pieces from this trend in the Decenio or Lion of Porches shops.

2: Modern tailoring
Modern tailoring has reinvented itself through new ways of wearing, a true revival of traditional trends. Synonymous with elegance and sophistication, versatile, light and loose-tailored trousers go well with oversized pieces such as contemporary blazers, shirts and jackets.  This is one of the most comfortable options for a day at the office, and the only secret you have to realise is the balance between sizes so that your silhouette benefits. Find pieces from this trend at Gant, Boss, Façonnable or Hackett.

3: Athleisure elegance
Comfort meets practicality in the form of Athleisure. Athleisure is the use of sportswear in everyday office or school outfits; it can be that sporty, loose-fitting dress combined with trainers or the t-shirt & shorts set for the little ones. The trend is characterised by functionality and style, everything I need for a day spent studying (or working). Find pieces from this trend in Lacoste, New Balance and Calvin Klein shops.

4: Say Yes to patterns
Embrace the fun side of fashion with bold prints and patterns. From floral prints to geometric shapes, patterns add personality to both casual and formal outfits. Dive into various patterned shirts and tops that can easily be combined with solid trousers for a colourful and sophisticated look. Find pieces from this trend in Desigual or Guess shops.

5: Accessories - a must-have
Accessories are nothing less than charming touches in the daily outfits of kids and adults alike - bracelets, bags, scarves, jewellery, backpacks (to carry not only books but all the dreams in the world), headbands, and hooks. Our suggestion is: invest in the details, they'll make all the difference. Find pieces from this trend in the Bimba Y Lola, Be On Time or Purificacion Garcia shops.

This list of trends is the answer to the back-to-school hustle and bustle, in an unrivalled location whose 300 days of sunshine a year make us happier people. With discounts from 30% to 70% at stores like Adidas, Levi's and many more, you'll be able to put together your family's wardrobe with options and styles to suit all tastes. Come and visit us!