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Until October 31st

Pink October

This October, the month dedicated to awareness, awareness and prevention of breast cancer, we will launch, for the second consecutive year, the Pink October initiative in reference to the symbol of the fight against one of the most common cancers among the female and male population, more specifically 1% in Portugal.
If you want to contribute to this action, just access the button below and make your donation to the Portuguese League Against Cancer.


Solidarity Event

MamaMaratona 2023

The Oncology Association of the Algarve (AOA), in co-organization with the Municipality of Loulé and in partnership with the Algarve Athletics Association and the Parish of Quarteira, are organizing the MamaMaratona 23 (MM 23), a walk/run of 5 and 7 Kms.

The 23rd edition of the Mamamaratona will take place on October 15, at 10:00 am, with a concentration on Passeio das Dunas, between Quarteira and Vilamoura.

Solidarity Scarf

Designer Outlet Algarve created a scarf illustrated by artist Gabriela Grave, which reminds us that the disease does not only affect women, but also 1% men.




Tutorials Pink October

Discover all the videos in support of the breast cancer prevention campaign on the Designer Outlet Algarve's IGTV in collaboration with Associação Oncológica do Algarve, Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancer (Faro Support Group), Associação Shareilhas e Care and Nutriviva . Among the contents, it is possible to find hairdressing tutorials, choice and placement of hair prostheses, make-up, nutrition and reiki, as well as a video that explains how to perform the preventive self-examination.