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According to the Outlet Centre Performance Report Europe 2021

Designer Outlet Algarve ranked as best Outlet in Portugal

Designer Outlet Algarve was classified as the best Outlet in Portugal, as part of the "Outlet Centre Performance Report Europe" report, for 2021, carried out by the German consultant Ecostra. This is the only european study on the economic performance of shops and is regarded as the benchmark for the European Outletindustry.

The report is based on a European-level survey of manufacturers of international brands on the economic performance of stores operating in different outlets. This survey is done annually and the results are updated as regularly. In addition to a complete classification of the centres, according to their economic performance and assessment of the performance of individual operators by shopkeepers, this time several questions were asked about the impact of the pandemic.

According to Miguel Guerreiro, Director of Designer Outlet Algarve, "our job is, above all, to provide the best shopping experience to those who visit us, but it is of course proud to be recognized internationally for the strategies we implement. This report recognizes us both nationally, but also internationally, for the enormous effort ros retail outlet shopping has made to overcome the new challenges that the pandemic has brought and the motivation for our units to remain the preferred destination for our visitors across Europe.

On the other hand, for the second consecutive year, ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, the Austrian operator that manages designer outlet Algarve, ranks 3rd as the best European Outlet operator to deal with the challenges presented by the covid-19 pandemic. The Group also occupies the 4th place in the ranking as the best European Outlet Operator in terms of Leasing, Management and Marketing, registering the greatest improvement of all European operators.


The Designer Outlet Algarve was opened in 2017 and currently has 54 stores in an area of 13,000 m2, which allows visitors to enjoy great premium brands with promotions throughout the year.

The open-air outlet village concept invites you to shop outdoors to enjoy the best the region has to offer. Inspired by a typical regional architecture, Designer Outlet Algarve incorporates regional, modern and typical elements in an innovative way, in the image of what is truly the Algarve.