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The home of British menswear, Hackett London is known for its excellence in craftsmanship and a distinction for detail. Our story starts in 1983, when Jeremy Hackett opened his first store selling second-hand clothes on the King's Road, Chelsea. It was here that he began creating his own garments by merging traditional styles with contemporary cuts, perfect for those seeking Savile Row expertise without the associated cost. Inspired by quintessential British menswear, Hackett specializes in classic English tailoring for the modern man. Today, the brand boasts over 1,000 points of sale across the globe, and offers a range of products and services including: made-to-measure, personal tailoring and bespoke services available at our store at 14 Savile Row.

This new line comprises a variety of different drops to meet the needs of the most discerning men, combining modern and on-trend cuts with traditional styles.
Both versatility and elegance come together in different drops. Embracing its British heritage, the Autumn-Winter 22 Collection showcases seasonal essentials with the brand's signature sense of sophistication. All in all, Hackett London makes it possible to start the season by combining classic styles with seasonal trends.



Designer Outlet Algarve
Loja 05
Avenida Algarve
8135-182 Almancil

962 686 132 (National mobile network call)